The Alvis Family History Webring

Welcome to the Alvis Family History Webring.

If you operate a website dedicated to the study of the history or genealogy of the Alvis family, or one which includes relevant information to this family, then you are cordially invited to join the Alvis Family History Webring. Not only is this ring devoted to the name Alvis, but any variables located in any area of the world. This includes Olves, Olvis, Alves, etc., be they English, Spanish, Portugeuse, or otherwise.

In my several years of research into the genealogy of my family, much of this done online, I have found many websites which have included good information on this family. Some of these can be very difficult to find with normal search engines, requiring the scrolling through of many unrelated sites in order to find that one rare gem. I hope to make this webring an alternative to this difficult, time consuming, and overwhelmingly inefficient method of discovering related and useful websites. My website, which is available through the ring, is one of the easiest to locate, coming at the top of many search portals lists with the inquiry "Alvis." It is my intention to advertise through this site, Webring, and even search engines to keep other Alvis researchers aware of this ring, and therefore the sites using it. I hope that you will make this a part of your family research, and consider joining in order to make it even better and more useful.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

If you are interested in joining the ring, simply click the join hyperlink in the Navigation Bar above. This will take you through a series of very simple and quick forms you will need to fill out. Make sure that you choose the URL of the page which will actually contain the Navigation Bar, as accuracy in this is very important. If there is a discrepency between these, then the ring will not function properly, and your site will not be able to be activated. After submitting your submission, you will receive an email containing the remaining, and very simple, instructions. Once followed, there is nothing necessary to do in order to maintain your membership. Simply sit back and wait for future traffic.

Thank you for visiting, and good luck on your research.

Grant M. S. Alvis

Write me with any questions.
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